SimplyPERIO®: Elevating Excellence in Periodontal Care

SimplyPERIO®: Elevating excellence in periodontal care
New advances in clinically relevant diagnostics allow not only precision care but also facilitate a crucial collaboration in all health disciplines. Anne O. Rice, BS, RDH, discusses a cutting-edge biotech company specializing in salivary diagnostics for oral diseases.
Spectrum, a pioneering salivary diagnostic company, is poised to transform dental care with SimplyPERIO™. By harnessing the power of saliva, SimplyPERIO™ is changing the way oral diseases are detected, monitored, and managed.
Founded on the principle of delivering precision medicine to the field of dentistry, SimplyPERIO™ provides clinicians with advanced tools to better understand and address their patients’ needs. This single, streamlined, affordable test detects nine periodontal pathogens, two caries targets, one fungal target, and four viral targets.
Laboratory procedures and accuracy
SimplyPERIO employs advanced molecular techniques to test for bacteria and viruses. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technology, the test amplifies specific DNA sequences, prioritizing clinical relevance for maximum impact. Sensitivity testing showed 100% on-target amplification, while specificity reached 99.55% across all assays, ensuring minimal cross-reactivity with common microflora and related species.
Essential viral targets
Salivary diagnostics play a crucial role in identifying viral infections and prompt initiation of periodontal treatment. SimplyPERIO offers screenings for herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and 2), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Research indicates these viruses may contribute to endodontic, periodontal, and peri-implant diseases.
A recent study highlights the widespread occurrence of human herpesviruses in individuals with chronic and aggressive gingivitis as well as periodontal disease.1 HCMV can infect various tissues, including salivary glands, contributing to transmission through saliva. A 2020 meta-analysis concluded that HCMV is notably linked to periodontitis and found in gingival tissues and pockets, contributing to inflammation and tissue destruction by inducing pro-inflammatory cytokines and interfering with the immune response.2
HSV-1 and HSV-2, cold sore and genital herpes, both play important roles in the severity of periodontal disease. They are similarly found in gingival tissues and also modulate host immune response.3,4 EBV detection is significantly associated with an increased risk of chronic periodontitis, and infections interact with Porphyromonas gingivalis, potentially enhancing pathogenicity and exacerbating periodontal inflammation.5
Understanding the impact of this virus family on periodontal disease could shape treatment approaches and therapy effectiveness. Utilizing a simple saliva test can provide valuable insights.
Other significant targets
The oral microbiome’s complexity presents treatment challenges; thorough diagnostics are crucial. Candida albicans overgrowth can lead to oral disease, impacting periodontal health through immune response and inflammation. Assessing Streptococcus mutans (Sm) levels is vital for caries prevention, but equally important is evaluating Streptococcus sanguinis (Ss), which helps maintain a healthy microbial balance by competing with harmful bacteria. Another unique target is Fusobacterium nucleatum animalis (Fna), a subspecies of Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn), that plays a crucial role in biofilm formation. It has been associated with intrauterine infections and is prevalent in colorectal cancers, influencing pro-inflammatory cytokine expression.6-8 Despite being less characterized, Fna is clinically relevant at sites of active inflammation, potentially indicating its involvement in various oral and extraoral diseases.9,10
The future of oral health care
As dentistry progresses, the incorporation of cutting-edge diagnostic tools such as those provided by SimplyPERIO presents significant potential. By leveraging their 16-plex microbial glimpse, clinicians can deliver personalized, proactive dental interventions. To learn more, visit the SimplyTest website.
Editor’s note: The references for this article are available online at
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